canadiary Calgary

Diary of Events and Happenings in Calgary, Alberta.

Brazilian Twist

Saturday 11 May 2024 - Duo performance in which Mario Bakuna invites Jeff Fafard to present the repertoire of the album ‘Where Rio de Janeiro Meets Bahia’, recorded in Paris, which brings together the Afro-Brazilian rhythms of the RecĂ´ncavo Baiano and the charm and subtlety of Bossa Nova. The show is a trip to Rio de Janeiro, cradle of Bossa Nova, and to Bahia, the city that best represents the powerful African influence in Brazilian music. The concert integrates the rhythmic roots of Brazilian music and its sophisticated harmonies in a beautiful duo show that celebrates great Brazilian composers such as Dorival Caymmi and Tom Jobim. Mario promises to transport the audience to a place where the real and the imaginary are experienced and enhanced by poetry and music. Mario Bakuna on acoustic guitar and vocals Jeff Fafard on percussion - Event Details