canadiary Calgary

Diary of Events and Happenings in Calgary, Alberta.

The Wardens in Concert

Thursday 21 March 2024 - The Wardens’ stories and songs rise from the very land they've protected as Canadian National Park wardens. With haunting three-part harmonies and chilling tales, the band's mountain music—blending folk, roots, and Western styles—is rich with a uniquely Canadian culture. From stories about wrangling grizzly bears and lonely nights on the pack trail to reflecting on an environment in crisis, a performance by The Wardens has been dubbed "the quintessential mountain-culture concert experience." The band has performed widely across Western Canada and in the US from Alaska to California. Following the 2021 release of their third full-length album "Sold Out at the Ironwood," band member Ray Schmidt was nominated Traditional Singer of the Year by the Canadian Folk Music Awards. The band has also received numerous regional nominations including 2022 Touring Artist of the Year by the BC Touring Council and Album of the Year by Country Music Alberta. - Event Details