canadiary Calgary

Diary of Events and Happenings in Calgary, Alberta.

The Black Bonspiel of Wullie MacCrimmon

Monday 19 February 2024 - Wullie MacCrimmon is in for the match of his life… and, potentially, afterlife. When Wullie MacCrimmon, a shoemaker in the 1930s foothills town of Wild Rose, muses aloud that he would give anything to skip his curling team in the MacDonald Brier, the Devil (a travelling salesperson who deals in wholesale souls and retail sin) suddenly appears and makes him an offer. Wullie makes a counter offer, and one of the greatest matches in curling history is on – a Black Bonspiel. When the Devil appears with her curling team—Judas Iscariot (lead), Lizzie Borden (second), and Macbeth (third)—Wullie and his team are in for one hell of a match. Coincides with the 2024 Scotties Tournament of Hearts, happening in Calgary from February 16 – 25. Suggested for ages 12+. - Event Details