canadiary Calgary

Diary of Events and Happenings in Calgary, Alberta.

Métis Fingerweaving Workshops at Fort Calgary

Friday, 23 June 2023 - Spend a day learning the basics of fingerweaving from Métis artisans! In this beginner’s workshop, participants will get a hands-on learning experience and learn how to measure, cut and dowel their own weaving project focused on the stipple, diagonal stripe, and chevron patterns. It is a full day of learning and crafting, so we recommend participants bring food and drinks to help stay energized and engaged! You can opt in to have a Spolumbo’s bagged lunch provided for an additional $17. ABOUT FINGERWEAVING Originating among the First Nations of the Eastern Woodlands, fingerweaving found its way west with the fur trade. On the prairies, fingerwoven sashes were adopted by the Métis people not only as a useful piece of workwear and a fashionable accessory, but also as a symbol of cultural identity. - Event Details