canadiary Calgary

Diary of Events and Happenings in Calgary, Alberta.

Exhibition | The Living Sea - Fragile Beauty

Wednesday, 10 May 2023 - The Living Sea – Fragile Beauty, an exhibition featuring the work of Prince Hussain Aga Khan, celebrates the beauty and magic of the ocean, testifying to some of the most enthralling and surprising encounters the photographer has experienced under the surface. The exhibition serves to inspire people to care for our natural world and provide a window into a world of underwater life on earth that most people may never have the chance to experience. The Living Sea – Fragile Beauty is a photographic journey which hopes to educate visitors on the importance of healthy oceans to our planet’s survival, and highlight efforts of wildlife conservationists to protect these fragile ecosystems. The Canadian exhibition takes place from May 11th to May 21st at the Glenbow Museum in Calgary. The exhibition is open to the public from and is free of charge. - Event Details