canadiary Calgary

Diary of Events and Happenings in Calgary, Alberta.

Film - Uyghurs, Prisoners of the Ab

Marda Loop Social Justice Film: Uyghurs, Prisoners of the Ab. (/+) Dates / Times2015-03-10 to 2015-03-10 (19:00 to 21:00). Organization Marda Loop Social Justice Film Festival. River Park Church, 3818 - 14 A St SWCalgary, ABT2 T 3 Y2 Calgary Premiere and Post-Film Conversation with Saulesh Yessenova.|mardaloop Director: Patricio Henriquez In the Chinese autonomous region of Xinjiang live the Uyghur, an Islamic people of Turkish origin. Since the area was incorporated into China, they have become a persecuted minority in their own country. In October 2001, a group of Uyghurs, who had tried to find sanctuary in Afghanistan, faced a new and unexpected misfortune. The U.S. was attacking the country at the time in efforts to find Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda fighters, and the local population was being encouraged to report terrorists in exchange for cash???. Event Details. Location: 3818 14A St SW