Free community presentation on Dementia and brain health. Dates / Times2014-06-27 to 2014-06-27 (18:30 to 20:30). Organization Alzheimer Society of Calgary. Eau Claire Market Centre, 200 Barclay Parade SWCalgary, ABT2 P 4 R5403.290.0110 In this introductory session on dementia and brain health, you will learn about the fundamentals of Alzheimer?s disease and related dementias, warning signs, and the programs and services provided by the Alzheimer Society of Calgary that can benefit you. You will also learn about strategies you can adopt to improve brain health and reduce your risk of developing dementia. Topics include: ? Types of dementia ? Signs and symptoms ? Simple strategies you can adopt to improve your brain health ? Effective ways you can help reduce your risk of developing dementia ? Programs and services available to you at the Alzheimer Society of Calgary Friday, June 27 6:30 p.m. ? 8:30 p.m. Cost: No charge - but registration is required Where: Eau Claire Market Centre 200 Barclay Parade SW Corner of 2nd Street and 2nd Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2 P 4 R5 Register today Call (403) 290-0110 Email Visit
Event Details. Location:
200 Barclay Parade SW