canadiary Calgary

Diary of Events and Happenings in Calgary, Alberta.

Pathways 2 Sustainability 2013

Pathways 2 Sustainability Calgary 2013 Location: Telus Spark - Calgary's NEW Science Center When: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 to Saturday, June 01, 2013 at 8:00am - 9:00pm Contact: Lisa Maria Fox Contact Number: 4039122527 Email: WebSite: On May 29th – May 31st over 300 people will gather at the Telus Spark Science Center in Calgary to celebrate the innovations, leadership, and successes of industry, municipalities, academia, and other organizations that are dedicated to advancing sustainability in Alberta's communities. Keynotes Include: Mayor Naheed Nenshi - City of Calgary Mayor Stephen Mandel - City of Edmonton Mayor Moe Hamden - City of Drayton Valley Hunter Lovins - Natural Capitalism Andy Ellis - Walmart Toby Heaps - Corporate Knights Lloyd Alter - Treehugger Magazine Houston Peschl - The Collective Michelle Collussi - Canadian Center for Community Renewal Robert Bean - Healthy Heating P2S Calgary is our third biennial sustainable communities conference in Alberta and we are thrilled that this experience is now recognized as playing a pivotal role in reframing the important dialogue on sustainability in Alberta. With a province historically dependent upon the sector expansion of oil and gas, sustainability is a paradoxical challenge. Pathways challenges the perceptions, the ideologies, and reframes the dialogue to be inclusive of industry innovation and leadership, and focuses our attention on the momentum of the transition to "resilience" through integrated solution building. We hope that you will take just a few moments to visit our conference website to learn more about this initiative and the incredible people who come together to create each experience! Join our Steering Committee, Pathways Ambassadors, and distinguished keynotes on May 29th to show your support for sustainability in Calgary and to meet some of the innovators and change agents that are mobilizing resilient and prosperous local economies in Alberta and across North America! Event Details. Location: Telus Spark