canadiary Calgary

Diary of Events and Happenings in Calgary, Alberta.

Crosspointe Community Builders Fundraising Gala 2013

Crosspointe Community Builders First Annual Fundraising Gala Location: Coast Plaza Hotel , 1316 33 Street N.E, Calgary When: Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 6 PM to Midnight Email: WebSite: WWW.CROSSPOINTECOMMUNITYBUILDERS.COM/ First Annual Fundraising GALA Saturday May 25 2013   Help make our communities better   At:  Coast Plaza Hotel , 1316 33 Street N.E Calgary Alberta Time:  From 6 PM to Midnight   You are cordially invited to attend.   Please join us as we build for a brighter tomorrow and as we extend our outreach into the communities. Funds are required to build our new facility so we can better serve our community and surrounding ones and all of our residents.   Hosted by:  Crosspointe Community Builders #31, 918 16th Avenue NW, Calgary, AB, T2M OK3   Cost: $55/person or $90/couple or $350.00 for table of 8 Buffet Dinner / Door Prizes / Live Entertainment / Cash Bar/ Silent Auction .   To register for this event or for more information, please go to   If unfortunately you are unable to attend but wish to make a donation to this great cause or sponsor our event for $250.00, please access our  website.   Special Thanks to Our Main Sponsors:  Brian's Porta-Potties and Fence Rentals  . Event Details. Location: 1316 33 Street N.E,