NSD''s Easter Egg Hunt for Dogs & their Families Location: Absolute Baseball Academy, 2221 Crowchild Trail NW , Calgary AB When: Friday, March 29, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Contact: Lindsay Email: lindsay@nsd.on.ca WebSite: http://www.nsd.on.ca/events/easter-egg-hunt-for-dogs/ Every Good Friday, thousands of plastic eggs are filled with dog treats and hidden over a defined area of a local park. Each egg also contains a coloured sticker, representing a chance to win one of hundreds of great prizes. This is a great family event in support of a great cause. Come out and help us reach our goal of raising $110,000 for children with autism. Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. with the hunt starting at 10:00 am sharp. Registration is $25 per family plus a minimum of $50 in pledges. Please visit http://www.nsd.on.ca/events/easter-egg-hunt-for-dogs/ to register. National Service Dogs is committed to enriching the quality of life and enhancing the independence of children and individuals living with autism and special needs by providing them with specially trained Labrador and Golden Retrievers..
Event Details. Location:
2221 Crowchild Trail NW