canadiary Calgary

Diary of Events and Happenings in Calgary, Alberta.

South Saskatchewan River Plan Workshop

South Saskatchewan River Plan Workshop Location: Hillhurst Cottage School (AWA Bldg.) 455 - 12 St. NW When: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 Contact: Katie Rasmussen Contact Number: (403) 283-2025 Email: WebSite: In a relaxed, informal setting, AWA staff, Dr. Brad Stelfox from ALCES, and guests will be here to provide you with information about the SSRP and answer any questions you may have about the plan, the process, and how to give your feedback. The evening will be an engaging mix of information sharing and actually working through different ways of giving input. Strategies such as writing letters, filling out the government workbook, and making a phone call to your government representative will be covered in the workshop (as well as any other means of engagement that you are interested in talking about) or you can just come to observe. Please join us! This event is free.. Event Details. Location: 455 - 12 St. NW