3 Entertainment Presents: Nerds In Cool Clothing Location: Nelsons Bar & Grill 1020 8 Avenue SW When: Thursday, December 20, 2012 Contact: Devon Jones Contact Number: (403) 585-5132 Email: threeeinc@live.com WebSite: 3-entertainment.com Special thanks for everyone who attended the November show!! Don't miss our next event on December 20th 2012. It's a thursday this time and everyone should be on Christmas holidays so no excuses for not showing up this time!!! The show will be held at Lord Nelsons again & parking is free. Doors will open at 9:00pm Show starts at 10:00pm Come down for some good food, and great music! and you just might get a chance to party with real life celebrities! We have some free give aways as well so don't miss out on the fun! Stay Live! Lord Nelsons Pub 1020 8 Ave SW Tickets at the door:$10.00 CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FACEBOOK EVENT! https://www.facebook.com/events/301617016614938/.
Event Details. Location:
1020 8 Avenue SW