River Park, Sandy Beach, Britannia Slopes Open Space Workshop Location: Temple B'nai Tikvah, 900 - 47 Ave. SW When: Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 1:30 PM Contact Number: 3-1-1 Email: parks@calgary.ca WebSite: www.calgary.ca/riverpark At this Open Space Workshop, participants will be able to identify and discuss issues that are of most interest to them. After participants identify which issues to discuss, you can then choose a small group discussion to participate in, spending as much time as you wish in any group. The City of Calgary Parks is working on a draft design and management plan for River Park, Sandy Beach and Britannia Slopes in response to stakeholder concerns about environmental damage, aging amenities and user-group conflicts within this popular regional park. City Council directed Parks to present a draft plan for the park to its Community & Protective Services committee on June 29, 2011. To keep updated on this project and future public input opportunities, please visit: www.calgary.ca/riverpark .
Event Details. Location:
900 47 Ave. SW @t nai tikvah, calgary parks, city of calgary